Day 79 – October 10

Friday morning means Worship at St. Lukes, so we attended chapel once again. We always wait outside so we can see the kids enter church from school, this is Camy and her chapel buddy. First all classes sat together but no they created these families. One student from every grade and this means that the elder have to be a guide for the younger ones. So Camy always needs to go to second grade first to pick up and guide her buddy.


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Afterwards we went to a pumpkin patch, I do not know how many pumpkins they had but it was full of them. It of course is almost Halloween.

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We bought 2 small pumpkins so we can make some soup of it and smoothies as well.

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After that we stopped at several yard sales. Fridays and Saturdays it is normal to sell your stuff. So we found an app that informed us all about the yard sales that were going on.


And of course, just follow the sign that leads you to them.


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After school we found this old fashioned place where they sell all kinds of hot dogs.

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A delicious hot dog along with some fries.


At Walmart we saw those pumpkins, not orange but pink. They are baskets which you can use as a bag when you go trick-or-treat on Halloween.

And since we got a birthday coming up we bought a birthday cake as well.

day79-18Here the lady writes the right text on top of the cake.


And when we finally arrived home, we found a beautiful card from France in our mailbox, thank you!