Day 116 – November 16

Oh, it never gets old, getting up and having the sun there right with you. That is one of the better things here in Florida, the weather is always good. Having breakfast in the middle of November out on the pool deck. Having croissants out of the oven, just awesome!



After breakfast it was time for Bram to finish up painting the drive way. When this is done we are all done!


See how that looks, doesn’t that look just perfect!
Anyone interested in renting the Villa, now that it looks in perfect shape?


Later in the evening, Camy wanted her hair being curled, that is what she wants it to look when she goes to school on Monday. Since we do not have the regular curlers we used some cloths. We will she the results tomorrow morning.

Day 74 – October 5

It is Sunday today, what will we have for breakfast?
I know, we will make some pancakes ourselves, why not give it a try?!


And after 15 minutes, the waffle mix was gone and we had all those pancakes in return 🙂


After we had breakfast we still had some items that needed some paint.
These were the items I bought at the yard sale yesterday and painted them.


Camy started a project of her own, it is to put all the cards that we receive together. She had to paint this 3×2 white first and after that she will clue the cloth picks on there. At the same time Bram painted Camy’s bathroom, one more to go!

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After all the painting was done and the homework was made it was time to relax, we did so by playing some miniature golf.

Day 40 – September 1

Good morning everybody!
Breakfast is ready, well… push the button and you will get your pancake.
Just the perfect way to get your pancake made within 2 minutes.


We will be visiting Marlins Park today, home of the Miami Marlins.
New York Mets vs Miami Marlins. Another awesome stadium and much better than the old New Miami Stadium (or Joe Robbie or Dolphin Stadium when you want call it by that name) they used to play in.
Wonderful to see all these people, entertainment and your favorite pastime and food…. lots of it.
Miami came up on top and won 9-6 with a blast from Stanton.
Good game and another stadium to cross off from the list.

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