Day 67 – September 28

It is Brams birthday today, hip hip hooray!


We started the day with a self-made breakfast, cinnamon rolls freshly made in the oven.


Here a picture of all the presents we got Bram, earned by taking the tour through the Villa set up by Camy. With every present there was an assignment Bram had to full fill.


Afterwards I painted these racks one more time. Two of them are ready and can be placed in the Villa. The third one needs one more lick of paint.


We logged in to the worship at 11.00AM, held at St. Lukes Church, Camy’s school. This worship can however not be compared to the one given to the students on Friday morning so we shut it off. But if you want and you are out of town you can still participate in the worship of your own church.

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Camy wanted to make some cake with Bram, since it is Brams birthday there is a good reason to make one. When they were done we took a large piece and took it with us to Jack and Carole. We said we would be there at about 4.00PM.


 On the way we saw all these toadstools, looks like autumn has begun. It was fascinating to me how such a nice circle was created…. mother nature, love it

day67-09At Jack and Carole’s we ordered pizza and ate it outside by the pool.

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As a desert Carole had bought Bram a real nice birthday cake and Oreo Ice Cream Cake.


What you mean colorant? I’d say, we have had more than enough sugar for the upcoming week.