Day 17 – August 9

Goodmorning everybody!
It is so great to wake up every single day and see the sun and know the weather is going to be awesome. Today we sat at the pool but most of the time also looking for that shade. It is soo hot you can not imagine what 100 degrees does.


The T-shirts we tie dyed the other day are all done and look here for the results, looks good or what?


Today Camy also finished here first homework assignment, she was given some homework which needed to be done by the end of summer. She had to read “The Hatchet”
and answer some pop quiz questions along with writing an essay.


Then al of a sudden the weather got real bad, without any warnings it went from sunny and clear to rain and wind within 10 minutes. To be truthful it was good to have, now at least the temperature went down a bit.


After dinner we went out for some grocery’s, Walmart is one of our more favorite mega stores. We also looked for school uniforms but tomorrow we will exactly know what Camy needs to wear.
She has a kaki pair of jeans but she needs some polo shirts as well, school will inform us tomorrow.

Day17-05 Day17-06