Day 118 – November 18

Oh, let me tell you, it is cold! We can of course not complain but going from 75F to 40F in only one day is some kind of adjustment we need to make.

We decided to treat ourselves with a warm breakfast, so we went to First Watch. This is a restaurant known for its breakfast and is only opened until 2.30PM.


We ordered a delicious Belgian Waffle.

After a couple of hours at First Watch we needed to make some room for other guests, so back into the cold…

We did not feel like shopping today so we decided to stay in the car, warm and cosy.
We put the iPad in between us and watched the movie, The Hunger Games.


At 4.00PM we picked Camy up from school and again we had to face the cold, we even wore our jeans today. When it is this cold again tomorrow I will be wearing my socks as well.

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More cards awaited us when we returned home, thank you all!