Day 73 – October 4

Last night after the One-Direction concert, we were home at about 1.30AM. Traffic was real bad, we had never seen it like this after an event. Normally all is organized real well and you don’t even notice that some 70.000 attended the event. Police always controls the situation, but last night it seemed there was hardly any police to take control and was the worst ever…..
Anyway, Camy had a blast and loved the concert and that is what is all about and made it all worth while.

yard sale

I wanted to go to Celebration today, the annual yard sale was being held in this community. Celebration, as I probably mentioned before, is a well maintained and a well above average community. Everybody who participated had all their stuff out on the lawn or opened their homes and garage.

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Those were the signs used to inform the audience on who did and did not have anything for sale.


And of course we found time to have a real American hotdog.

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And since we are getting closer to Halloween some had already decorated their homes.

We bought some little things, we’ll show you later as right now it is being painted.