Day 76 – October 7

Today we first will make a stop at Ikea, we need to buy a new chair cover.
The one on it becomes old and dirty, it is time for something new, a fresh new look. Of course, and don’t we all know it, Ikea will never have you walk away empty handed or whatever was on your original list. So it happened to us as well, bought much more than initially thought we would.


We decided to buy new coffee cups, oops do not drop them, oh well we did!


This is all that we bought at the end of the day.


Next to Ikea you can find the Mall of Millenia, brand new and high end. We walked around but did not buy anything. Here you can see the entrance, looks like a hotel, and yes I do like that.

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At Panda Express we got ourselves a lunch, we did not want fastfood so we had some noodles and sesame chicken with honey.


On the way home you sometimes see some very funny looking cars, you can almost drive in anything you want. Sometimes I’m a little late at shooting a picture but I got this one right on time. A small pick-up truck, I think I would need some stairs to get in 🙂


Right here we have all the cards received so far, I clued some cloth picks on the 3×2 and put all the cards in there. How cute, it looks good and it does us good to get them.