Day 63 – September 24

Today we worked out in the park, it is where we start our Wednesdays the last couple of weeks.


I did some exercising through YouTube and waited for Bram when I was done.


Bram worked on his chipping, took the club and some balls from home.


Once we were done we headed for the post office, we needed some stamps.
We have a couple of cards that need to be mailed. As promised, everybody who we got a card from will get one in return.



At Panera Bread we had some coffee and tea, enjoying the sun outside.

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Since it was Wednesday we went to have dinner at church again. Today it was all sponsored by Chick-Fil-A. Chicken burger, Lettuce, Chips, Cookies and Apple Pie, could not have asked for anything better on a Wednesday! Next week I do however expect some carrot, sauerkraut or kale, made the Dutch way of course. Where is all my vitamins….?

We headed home at about 6.30PM, time for some home work and a cup of tea with the three of us. Right now we watching, The Voice and Dancing with the Stars, needless to say, the American versions.


Oh by the way, Camy got home with a note from the school nurse, same as yesterday. She was hit in the head by a soccer ball while having P.E. and did not feel all to well because of it. The nurse wrote a little note for us, parents, so we knew what happened at school.

Day 50 – September 11

Today is the day of exactly being 50 days in The USA!
We love it, everyday is enjoyed and not taken for granted but oh my god does time fly!

One can probably imagine getting up at 06.00AM everyday is no fun but when you get into your car at 07.00AM and the sun rises you know it is going to be another awesome day.


This is Camy, seated “all” the way in the back of the new car, we have got seats for seven now. This makes the car available for when my mother and parents in law are coming over, no need to get another car, we will all fit in this one.


How about a selfie in the early morning.


Day50-05In stead of having a salad at lunch we sat down at Panera Bread and had a cup of soup and a sandwich. Sitting outside might be a little hot but so much better than having the AC blow you away. And even tough it is “love bug” season we always try to sit outside. These bugs are paired together this time of year no matter where you look. They don’t hurt you but yet you don’t want to see them.


After dinner we took a walk around our neighborhood and see are we tanned or what?


And when you think we only do summers here, wrong! See all that is on the pavement and road, acorns.


You can not really see it on the picture but we had a lovely sky, pink and blue, awesome view!

Day 23 – August 15

Today is Friday and every Friday school starts with a worship in church.
The worship lasted about 40 minutes with speeches and songs and last but not least, do-er awards are handed out. From all classes students can pick a student who did something good, helped someone out or was noticed in some other way. Counting all the votes a student from every class will be called and need to come forward to receive an award and T-shirt. A teacher is also voted for by students, so he or she will also receive an award.

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We, as parents, are allowed to visit as well. And since this is all new to us as well we decided to join the worship and see for ourselves. And even though we are no Lutherns it was good see and we might join them again next week.

After worship was over, all students went back to class and had a normal day in school. And we …. we had this wonderful garot cake, yumie! Hey we need to spoil ourselves once in awhile, haha.


While driving around we also saw this parking lot with, I do not know how many, school buses, awesome to see because that is what they are.

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In the meantime it was lunch time, SO what do we have for lunch today?
Why not go over to Panera Bread, it’s been a while since we last ate here. And since it is crowded here all the time, the food must be good. We both had a flat bread along with a smoothie. And indeed delicious.


After school was out and the weekend had started Camy wanted to go to the outlet mall.
Since she was at school the entire week and did not see the inside of a store we decided to go.
This is where we saw this candy store with “Lego” candies.


And how’bout this mega candy necklace.


And even though the mall is large enough and with all the different stores we did not buy anything today. And let me tell you that does not happen very often 🙂