Day 150 – December 20

Oh does this feel good or what, no alarm clocks today and not for the next two weeks. It is holiday!!

We just hang around the house and sat outside on the porch. Towards the end of the day we visited Posner Park for some groceries and shopping.


And of course we had to make a stop at Ross.

And yes we did what we wanted to do, the first new clothing is bought and is ready to be taken home to Holland.

Day 123 – November 23

Today was a day to chill and take it easy, mainly as all Sundays but also because Bram was still not feeling all to well, still a little headache.

Camy and I did go to Posner Park with the two of us. Shopping time for the girls without being disturbed by Bram, he took his afternoon nap.

headache day123-02

See here, the girls are off and hit the road. I do not know what happened but look at my legs, just like Lucille Werner:-)