Day 155 – December 25

Merry Christmas!

 We set the table and put the Christmas tree on it as well, something different. It still feels strange to be in Florida while it is Christmas. To us when you talk about Christmas you think about cold, snowy days, well none of that here. Now, lets unwrap our presents first.

Christmas Day

It was a little cooler today than previous days, yesterday it was pressing today there was a little breeze. But because of that the water felt much better. With our crochet hats, made by Carole, we had lots of fun. And that feeling, being in a pool on Christmas day, awesome!

At 12.30 we drove towards Jack and Carole, we were invited to celebrate Christmas Day here.

We were welcomed with some presents, Camy got a cover, two bracelets and nail polish. The girls had a candle and a bracelet. The gents received home pants and socks. Really sweet and a big thank you to Santa Claus.

Carole had the two tables set up in the living with the old silverware.

The biggest surprise was that Kathy and her two kids, Sean and Tara, were down here, they drove all the way down from New York. It was good to see her and the kids, it was about five years we had last seen one another.

We had a great time and chatted and chatted until about 7.30PM when we headed back home.
Great unforgettable Christmas Day!