Day 156 – December 26

Today we did not do too much, just a lazy day. The garage was still stuffed with all sorts of things which needed to be cleaned up. So that is just what we did. Garbage was to be picked up today so it was time to get as much out on the drive way as we could. When we put everything on the drive way, people stopped by right away. Can we this, can we have that? In the end everything ended up at the next door neighbor. Everybody happy!

lazy day

After cleaning up I started packing our bags, we had three suitcases but that was not enough, aaah we bought too much stuff I guess.

So at about 3.30PM we went shopping for things we needed to get and where on list.

First stop was Tommy Hilfiger, grandpa needed some new shirts and sweaters. Bram did buy three nice sweaters as well and a nice looking coat.

After we were done we walked over to Dollar Tree to get some little things.

At Walmart we and Brams parents bought a new suitcase and some last things before heading home.

Last cards were delivered by the mailman, thanks!

Day 108 – November 8

It is weekend again! We slept a little long first of all and we did some things on our to do list, in and around the house.


Bram started painting the last part of the pool deck. Camy also wanted to sit outside but since it was a little cold she got a blanket to put around herself.

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With the last paint Bram also started painting the drive way, this needs to be freshened up as well.


Here you can see our security car, 24h per day, 7 days a week.


At the end of the day we headed for the outlet Mall, see wether or not there was anything left for us. But first we stopped at Carrabba’s, an Italian Grill restaurant.

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This is what we had for dinner.

At Tommy Hilfiger Camy and I both bought a bus sweater and Camy also bought some adidas sneakers. Not too much but oh so happy!